Bulk Beef Ordering FAQ’s


Processing dates are the dates scheduled for butchering.  They are not the order pick-up date.   Bur-Pak (the processor) will let you know when your order is ready for pick-up.   Once you are notified, please pick up your order within (5) business days.

Processing dates for 2024

  • July 2024 - Expected Pick-Up August 7, 2024

  • December 2024 - Expected Pick-Up January 17, 2025  


If this is your first time ordering either a ¼, ½, or whole beef we admit there is a learning curve and a lot of questions.  We hope to help with some of these questions and provide clarity on the process, expectations on cost, and what cuts you can expect.

On our "Full Freezer Orders" page, you will see options to purchase either 1/4; 1/2; or a whole grass-fed beef.  Please select your preferred option and place your deposit to reserve your bulk purchase.   There are always limited amounts of beef so please secure your “spot” as soon as possible.   The deposit is non-refundable and must be placed to reserve your position at the processor.

You will see the processing date listed in the description.  The processing date is the date the animals are scheduled for processing at a local butcher, Bur-Pak Family Foods in Myerstown, PA. Please take a moment to view their website, and what they have to offer.  https://www.bur-pak.com/

Pilgrim Farms transports all of the live animals to the processor and you as the customer will pick up your portion of the beef from Bur-Pak.   If you have trouble traveling to Myerstown, we can arrange to bring your portion back to our farm for pick-up, however, it is a nice “country drive”. 

A cut sheet is provided on our website and on theirs.  Please fill this out and email it to Bur Pak at least one (1) day prior to the scheduled processing date.   If you are newer to this and have questions on the cuts, Bur Pak is glad to answer any questions and so are we, so please email or call us and/or Bur Pak.  You have the option to download and print the cut sheet or fill out the cut sheet online.  https://www.bur-pak.com/beef-order-form

Each order can be “custom” however, the beef is split evenly amongst the ¼ ½ or whole, meaning equal steaks, roasts, etc. are distributed whether purchasing a 1 /4 or 1 / 2.  

Once at the processor, the animal will dry age for approximately 14 day. You will be notified 1-3 days prior to the cow being sent to the processor. Once your product is available for pick up, you will be notified and can then schedule a time to pick up your order at Pilgrim Farms Cattle Company in Zionsville, PA.

Once the hanging weight is given to us from Bur-Pak, Pilgrim Farms will email a final invoice with the exact hanging weight of the animal.  Payment of the remaining beef order is required prior to or during time of pick-up at Pilgrim Farms.


Quarter Beef – Recommended for families with (1-2) adults and (1-2) small children.

Half Beef – typically provides a full year’s supply of meat for the average family of (4).

Whole Beef - will provide a full year’s supply of meat for a large family that likes their steaks, roasts, and beef.


The costs below are based on the hanging weight of the beef, which is not the live animal weight but the weight after initial “processing” where the hide, head, and organs are removed.  It is the “hanging weight” once ready for processing.

1/4 grass-fed beef = $5.25 / lb hanging weight

1/2 grass-fed beef = $5.00 / lb hanging weight

Whole grass-fed beef = $4.75/ lb hanging weight

Our average beef is between 715 lbs – 800 lbs of hanging weight.  Please remember hanging weights vary from animal to animal and these weights and pricing are approximate.  You will be charged on the exact hanging weight given by the processor.

For Example:  If you are purchasing a 1 / 4 beef and the animal has a hanging weight of 775 lbs, you will be paying:  $5.25 * 193.75 lbs (775 lbs/4)= $1,017.20  

 Please note the customer pays the processor fees and any specialty cuts, etc. directly to the processor and is not included in the pricing above.  For Bur-Pak’s price list, please see  https://www.bur-pak.com/beef-pork-processing

The cost for an average whole beef to be processed is $1.00 per pound hanging weights for the basic cuts including vacuum sealing, packaging, and labeling all the individual cuts.  That cost is proportionate when buying a 1 / 4 or 1 / 2.


 Our beef will have an average take-home weight as listed below, this is packaged meat in your freezer.

1 /4 : 180 - 210 lbs

1 / 2: 300 - 400 lbs

Whole: 600 lbs – 750 lbs

***These weights are approximate and vary by animal***

As a general rule, expect around 50% ground beef, 20% roasts, 20% steaks, and 10% miscellaneous cuts such as stew meat, ribs, and shanks. 


1 / 4 – 5 Cubic Foot Freezer Space

1 / 2 – 10 Cubic Foot Freezer Space

Whole – 20 Cubic Foot Freezer Space

A few tips:

  1. Clear your freezer space prior to picking up your beef order

  2. Have more space than you think you need, it’s better to have it

  3. Keep your inventory sheet on the freezer door and mark it off as you use it.  Make notes on what cuts you liked and didn’t like for your next beef order


When Bur-Pak Family Foods completely processes your order, you will receive a call to pick up your order at their facility located at 98 East Rosebud Road, Myerstown, PA 17067.   If you have trouble traveling to Myerstown, we can arrange to bring your portion back to our farm for pick-up, however, it is a nice “country drive”. 


To continue our commitment to high-quality beef, 4-8 weeks prior to sending our beef to the butcher, we add grain to their diet.

All grain is not created equal and we ensure at this time that we feed a Non-GMO (genetically modified) grain.    

This ensures there is not a “gamey” flavor and the meat is tender and succulent to the taste.

What to try our beef before you order bulk? Check out our individual cuts!