Whether purposeful or not, there has been a disconnect between us and our food sources.  Commercialized meat production fills the grocery stores, giving us a selection of meats that are produced overseas (a large majority in South America) or in large feedlots in the western US. This gives us a limited knowledge of where our meat comes from, creating this great disconnect.

At Pilgrim Farms, we hope to provide something different for our community - an alternative choice for our food supply.  We want to offer a connection or a “back to the farm” mentality where people can see and know where their food comes from.  

Knowing how the commercialized meat packing plants structure the life and sale of beef livestock, we at Pilgrim Farms wanted to provide a different choice for our family, and now we want you as our local community to have access to this as well.

We have a commitment of ZERO growth hormones, a commitment to cows being on pasture and grazing in their natural habitat, limited antibiotics (necessity only), and a life cycle that starts and ends on our farms with calves being born and raised on our pastures.

In addition, you will absolutely taste the quality difference between our beef and conventional store-bought.

What are the Benefits of Grass-fed Beef?

  • Cattle are meant to graze on grass, preferably within open pastures.

  • Studies have found that grass-fed beef contains two to six times more omega-3 fatty acids than feed-lot beef. Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to help prevent and treat many diseases including heart disease, lupus, arthritis, strokes, and autoimmune diseases.

  • Higher levels of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, zinc, iron, protein, and Vitamin B than feedlot beef

  • More omega-6 fatty acid called linolenic acid

  • Beef from grass-fed cattle is lower in total fat content because their diet is more natural and clean

  • Greater marbling throughout the cuts of meat itself, adding greater flavor than traditional grain-fed beef.